The Interaction Design Process

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Last Edited: 29 Jan 2009

It may not be obvious but there are often legal ramifications to design too. For example if you have to show a contract online before a customer agrees what is considered sufficient? Can you just link to it? Can you use small print? As it happens, under US law neither of these are permitted under case-law for example. Since designers are not legal experts (and that's probably good for everyone concerned!) it is important that they are made aware of the specific constraints as they apply to the legal environment you operate in.

Another potential pitfall is your contracts with your clients or customers. If you have a contract that specifies that you will supply information in a specific format, it doesn't much matter if your designer can present in a much more appealing or effective way - you'd better sort the legal issues first - if indeed you can. If not then you'll have to ensure that the new design doesn't put you in breach of contract. Again, it's all about being aware of the entire context the design will inhabit.

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This was presented at the “Usability: What's the Use?” event at the CUBE in Manchester, Jan 28th, 2009.

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